Jummah Arrangements – 2021 Updated
Alhamdulillah by the Mercy of Allah Leytonstone Masjid have made arrangements for Jummah Salaah to take place, the timings are:
- 1st khutbah Azaan 12.45
- 2nd khutbah Azaan 13.15
Doors for the Salaah will open 15 mins before. Please arrive on time to avoid congestion.
- Be aware there is limited space, do not be offended if you are turned away.
- Children under 12 do not attend due to limited space.
We ask you to be patient and follow the rules below:-
? DO NOT ATTEND IF YOU HAVE ANY SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 or are in the vulnerable group e.g. chronic illness, over 70 years of age etc.
? Bring your own prayer mat / musalla.
? You must wear a face covering/ mask.
? Be prepared with wudhu from your home.
? Use sanitiser on entry and exit.
? Maintain social distancing.
? Pray only in designated spots.
? Follow instructions given by appointed volunteers.
? Do not gather inside or outside of the Masjid. Leave straight away after Salaah as instructed.
Please continue to make Dua’a that Allah relieves mankind from this difficulty, Ameen.