NHS Test & Trace at Leytonstone Masjid

Leytonstone Islamic Association, as a place of worship, is required by Government guidelines to maintain a record of all attendees who have attended the Masjid as part of the NHS Test and Trace system. To make it easier to collect this data, Leytonstone Masjid has launched a Test & Trace online form, for visitors to fill in when they visit Leytonstone Masjid.
To complete this form is optional, and requires your consent.
By completing this form you agree for your details (entered on this form) to be transferred to the NHS Test and Trace System in the event that a visitor/worshipper/staff member/volunteer tests positive for Coronavirus. You will then be contacted by the NHS Test and Trace team, who will inform you whether or not you need to self isolate in order to help stop the spread of the virus.
For more information on the NHS Test and Trace System and for information on how it works, visit: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/nhs-test-and-trace-how-it-works
We will also send you a confirmation email, confirming that we have received your details, and that you have been added to our list. Should you wish at a later date to have your details removed from Leytonstone Masjid’s NHS Test and Trace list, please email your request to contact@leytonstonemasjid.org.uk
Click the button below to visit the form page.